Preventive medecine

Vaccination of Children
Our Gu Partner/Santé de Fer application takes into account the vaccination of children aged 0 to 13 by automating the universal yellow vaccination calendar in a personalized manner. This allows parents to receive alerts based on the established timeline. Thus, it is the Gu application which directs patients to the INHP ​​or any other health structure for universally scheduled vaccines. The objective is to vaccinate as many children as possible, because the INHP ​​and health structures do not have a national database of children to be vaccinated. . In short, Gu aims to help update children aged 0 to 13 in terms of vaccinations.

Prenatal Vaccinations
Gu or Gu Partner proceeds in the same way as in the previous paragraph for mothers in the prenatal and postnatal period, taking into account the number of months of pregnancy. What we don't find in others.

Adult Vaccination
Our application presents all the vaccines to be carried out at the National Public Hygiene Institute in Ivory Coast and in other vaccination structures for adults, for several reasons, including illnesses, travel, among others. It provides information on their availability and costs. We do not find this functionality elsewhere.

Authentic Documents Accessible Anytime, Anywhere
Unlike other applications, Gu or Gu Partner, in its management of vaccination processes, verifies the effective completion of these vaccines. It does not use a form to only fill in the fields of the database of vaccinated people and record the act. However, it makes a full addition of the vaccination receipt and/or the authentic vaccination record. This makes it possible to avoid errors and to have the original documents in the validated databases and accessible by patients on their mobile.

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